Saturday, April 10, 2004

Military Access To School Kids?

I ran across this story the other day, about a notification sent to parents of teenagers. Has any reader with kids had this happen?
It is the one required under the "Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students" section of the "No Child" law. It says that school officials are required to turn over to U.S. military recruiters the names, addresses and phone numbers of every child - male and female - enrolled in the ninth, 10th, 11th and 12 grades of your school system.

The school notice will inform you of this, and offer you a Do Not Call option whereby your child's name can be withheld from the list. If you do nothing, the recruiters may call day or night, and say what they will about the opportunities awaiting your child in the armed forces.

If that is not your idea of child guidance, you have to sign a form. The form will say something like, "I am requesting that my child's name, address and telephone number NOT be released to U.S. military recruiters..."
More weirdness in a possible run-up to a military draft? I still think that's a real possibility after the 2004 elections, if Bush wins.

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