Wednesday, June 23, 2004

More Thoughts on Firefox .9

I've been using the latest version of the Firefox browser for several days now. No question, it is noticeably faster on my machine than the .7 version was. It loads much faster, too.

I've sorted out some of the problems I initially had, but had to give up TabbedBrowser Extensions, as it was a memory hog and a drag on the processor. Otherwise, I'm back to normal browsing, with a slightly smoother feel. Pages seem to render in a different fashion than they did on .7, as I occasionally have to wait a bit for text to appear on the page, something that .7 rarely did. That's another of the beauties of Firefox: text appears on the screen right away, then all the formatting and images. It means you can start reading the site without waiting.

Only quibble: make all pages load in a new tab as the default. I'm running back into having two browser windows (or more!) open on me, if I'm not careful about how I click on links. Ooh, I hate that. Tabs, baby, yeah!

Overall, I'm very happy with .9. Kudos to the Mozilla team on this iteration!

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