Wednesday, September 14, 2005

No Heavy Lifting For Me Tonight

It's late and I'm tired. Mark, over at The Conservative Zone had a couple of good posts this morning you should read, so I'll let him stand in for me.

One looks at the real causes of the levee failure in NOLA, and it wasn't Bush. The other is "Sperminator vs. Terminator." You figure it out.

One other post, on a related topic, here:
On Sept. 2 — five days after Katrina hit the Gulf Coast — Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., who represents New Orleans and is a senior member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, was allowed through the military blockades set up around the city to reach the Superdome, where thousands of evacuees had been taken....

Military sources tells ABC News that Jefferson, an eight-term Democratic congressman, asked the National Guard that night to take him on a tour of the flooded portions of his congressional district. A five-ton military truck and a half dozen military police were dispatched.
I hope the folks who have been so unsparing in the vituperation towards Bush will unload full bore into this Congressman.

Don't think it will happen, but I can hope.

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