Friday, November 18, 2005

The Death Star Opens the Airlocks?

Just heard a "Wall Street Journal Business Report" on WREC/AM600 at the noon hour saying that the Commercial Appeal is planning to cut 170 jobs by January! Not sure if this means between now and then, or if January is the end-date for a plan already in progress.

Anyone here read the Wall Street Journal and saw that print article? A link would be appreciated.

Oh, and Merry Christmas Happy Holiday Season from Chris Peck.

INSTANT UPDATE: Here we go, via Peg Phillip.

INSTANT UPDATE UPDATE: There's even more at The Pesky Fly, where autoegocrat makes some futher good points.

He also reminds us of the day when newspapers had editions, constantly updated through the day when events warranted. If a big story broke in the morning, there would be an afternoon edition with the story. No waiting for the next day's paper.

The bad thing here is the gutting of editorial and veteran journalists. The paper hemorrhaged long-time people when Peck took over, then more were shunted out to the fringes as he settled in. In some cases (Susie "Adder" Thorp, Frederic "Sniff" Koeppel and Paula "Whatever Lie Gets the Job Done" Wade) it was fine by me, but in others (Jon W. Sparks; he's so likable!) it was inexplicable. Now we have a new publisher, Joseph Pepe, and yet another round of decimation.

You have to wonder what this paper will look like in year, and whether it will be even less than it is now.

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