Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Good News #1

I've been reading, and occasionally commenting at, for quite a while. It's a self-described "sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, and technology." Pretty wide-ranging cultural coverage that's always interesting and leads me to new stuff on a regular basis.

Yesterday, I received an invitation from Eric Olsen to join. Talk about floored. So, yes, I joined! I'll be bringing some of the greasy, funky, Memphis mojo to a wider world. The new link is up there on the left at the top. I posted my DVD review of Tokyo Godfathers as my inaugural entry. Surf on over and check them out. When I move to the MT blog, I'll have a spiffy graphic link.

I never expected to be asked, but man, talk about a milestone. It's up there with the first Instalanche, first finding out Memphis media folks read the blog, getting mentions in the Commercial Appeal and the Memphis Flyer, the first time daily traffic went over 100 hits, and my email from Jackson himself. It's a feeling of arriving somewhere you want to be, I guess, but not having exactly aimed to get there.

Thanks Eric, and all the other Blogcritics. I hope you enjoy my contributions and my blog as much as I've enjoyed y'all's.

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