Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"Don't Get Stuck on Stupid"

I missed this on the news and I'm sorry I did. Lt. General Honore, in charge of Federal relief efforts in New Orleans, was trying to explain the current plan for evacuation of New Orleans in the case of a potential near-strike by Hurricane Rita.

Honore was determined that a single message get out: Go to the Superdome, if you want to evacuate, and there will be busses waiting for you. Simple and clear. The press kept coming back to Katrina and the problems then, or kept asking about other plans. They were, as Honore noted, unnecessarily confusing things. So, he started chastising the reporters with "Don't get stuck on stupid, reporters." He had to repeat the phrase several times, as the reporters seemed not to get his message.

That's my new catchphrase.

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