Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spring Early Summer Bloggers Bash

Let's start with some things preliminarily locked down and see what we can come up with for the next bloggers bash.

How about the first weekend in June? Either Friday the 2nd or Saturday the 3rd, at night. Does that work for most folks?

And where? I like the bashes where we aren't in the main room wherever we are, which tend to be very noisy and busy, so that we can all hear each other clearly enough. Also, large tables for large discussions are nice. Small tables lead to lots of small groups, in my opinion.

Alcohol service is a necessity, and so is nearby smoking area. Though, to be honest and only speaking for myself, I don't mind anywhere that you can smoke. But some folks really don't like it, so there's that to consider.

Any suggestions? Any favorite places? Any restauranteurs or publicans want to tout their place?

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