Thursday, January 27, 2005

Drinking Where No One Has Drunk Before

Via Jemima, comes a hilarious look, by Modern Drunkard magazine ("Say it loud! Say it plowed!"), at the drinking habits of Kirk and company versus those of Picard and the crew of Next Generation.
After Kirk finished ripping up (and repopulating) the universe, a bunch of Earl Grey sipping sissies followed in his wake. Star Trek: The Next Generation absorbed the political correctness of its era and came up with sinister synthehol. Instead of chugging their hooch from bottles liberated from burning Romulan Birds of Prey, on-board replicators create the libations swilled on the latter-day Federation starships.
Kirk, as you'd expect, kicks Picard's ass. Strangely, there is no mention of the First Federation's tran'ya.

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