Thursday, September 01, 2005

Six Questions With Rosalind Kurita

Randy Neal, aka South Knox Bubba, guest blogging at the Facing South website, asks six questions of Rosalind Kurita, the Democratic candidate for Bill Frist's Senate seat not named Ford. You can read the interview here. Not a lot of meat there, but its a good view into her position and thinking.

While I would never vote for a Democrat, I find myself delighted at this sentence talking about blogs, which have helped her cash-starved campaign enormously:
Bloggers are like modern-day pamphleteers.
Anyone who uses the word "pamphleteers" in context and correctly, who is that historically literate, and who understands why they relate to blogs, gets a strong measure of respect from me.

Not that I'd vote for her, but I'm seriously impressed.

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