Monday, July 11, 2005

A Follower and Not a Leader

This Commercial Appeal editorial is an apt depiction of much that is wrong with the "new" paper.

Nothing that was uncovered in City automobile allowances wasn't already available. But the CA never did the digging and uncovering to find it. They simply accepted the landscape until others laid out the problem and then they reacted.

Average Memphians can see, and we hear about, the various ways people in government take care of each other and hand each other sweetheart deals, but the force that could lead the way in cleaning up government -- making Memphis a better and politicaly "healthier" place to live -- sits back and lets others do its job. Even worse, I'm sure there's lots more they know down at the Union Avenue Death Star that never sees the ink of print.

They are cowards or conspirators at the Commercial Appeal, unwitting dupes at the very best. They are followers, not leaders. They claim a great public trust and responsibility, and seemingly sell it cheaply.

And they wonder why they are so derided and dismissed....

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