Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mr. President, What Do We Do?

Normally, I don't do the "meme" thing. To me they are nothing more than the Internet equivalent of chain letters. But Tim Blair has a great idea. He's invited his leftist-liberal readers to send in their ideas for what they would have done if they were President on 9/11. The comments are interesting and hilarious.

So, I'm going to try it here:

You are the President of the United States on September 11, 2001. How do you respond to the attacks of that day, and to the wider issues of Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, and Iraq?

The rules are simple: You must say what you would do, not what you wouldn't do, or what Bush shouldn't have done. You must lay out steps, a plan, an approach, whatever. Show us, in your left-liberal view, what should have happened. Bonus points if you extrapolate what would have resulted.

If you send your reply by email, I will print it here as an Update, unedited and without mockery or comment. However, I don't control the comments function (it's Haloscan), so you'll have to accept whatever others say. If you want to be anonymous, I'll honor that, but please come up with a nickname so you aren't Anonymous-1, Anonymous-2, etc.

Ball's in your court, lefty-liberal types. Protect America and please the world. How would you do it?

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