Monday, July 11, 2005

Strike Three, Morgan

Morgan Spurlock made a "documentary" called "Super Size Me," wherein he ate nothing but the fatty stuff at McDonald's for thirty days. His thesis? This isn't good for you. He proved it, too.

But it was propaganda masquerading as a documentary. He was out to prove common sense, and also to promote himself. He's now got a television show. He reinforces and uses all the usual media assumptions: Big corporations bad; PR is lies; your passivity is being used against you. Media people loved it and he won their favor.

Two other people set out to prove a harder thesis: Can you eat at McDonald's, stay healthy and maybe even lose weight? Turns out you can! But they somehow never got the same media favor and fell into obscurity.

Now comes a third person, Merab Morgan of Henderson, North Carolina, who has so far lost 33 pounds in two months. I doubt you'll see her in the Big Media Shows either, as her message is the same as the first two people. She shows that by taking responsibility for yourself and acting on what you know, you can control your weight. All without weight loss plans, diet books or special foods.

You know, the stuff Big Media wants to sell to you.

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