Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Final Nail

At least one local Democrat thinks today's Senate District 29 race heralds "A Change is Going to Come".
Ophelia will, baring a miracle, go down today. Junior will more than likely lose next year. If I am right, and as Cracker can back up, and I usually am, Carol Chumney losing her Council election being a big blunder against me, then the Ford machine will have lost its power over the city.

We saw the beginnings of this in 99 when Senior decided to run his brother and not himself for mayor. We've seen it with the prayerful grooming of Junior for a run at a Senate seat, waiting out first Thompson and Frist. We've seen it with John self destructing like an out of control rock star. And now Ophelia is going to lose a seat she should not have been defending in the first place.
I'm refraining from predicting this race because the Fords are famous for last minute "miracle" saves. A lot of folks are watching out, hoping to prevent Ford shenanigans, but Memphis is a big (as in geography) city. This race is too important to the Fords, even if they offered up a third-stringer like Ophelia in defense of the seat.

I'll be watching later, but for now... it's too hard to call.

Speaking of which, has anyone received any robocalls from the Ford family? Anything you've seen you'd like to report? Let me know.

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