Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oops! Almost Forgot

[Welcome readers! You can learn more about my crusade by reading my announcement post, and the follow-up here. Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to use my campaign banner on your site, if you'd like to help!]

I haven't mentioned this lately, so here goes. I'm still interested in becoming the Commercial Appeal/s new Metro columnist, to replace the now-gone Wendi Thomas.

I'll work for less. I'm not pat or predictable. I have a large range of interests and an unending curiousity about things. I'm not too interested in status quos nor quid pro quos. I'm a conservative Libertarian and an atheist, so I'm guaranteed to provoke! Writing is what I like to do. I like to educate, inform and entertain folks.

It's a win-win situation for everyone. Even my Mom will be happy that I'm finally being paid for writing.

So c'mon Chris. Give it a go.

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