Monday, January 26, 2004

Inside The Liberal Educator's Mind

Great article over at The Progressive, titled "Why the Right Hates Public Education." It's not what the article says, so much, as the view into the author's mind that's instructive here.

First, she says this:
For those in the thick of the debate, it's long been obvious that vouchers are an attack on teacher unions. Even Wisconsin State Representative Annette "Polly" Williams, an African American who helped start the Milwaukee voucher program, the country's first, now admits as much. "The main motivation of some of the choice supporters was to weaken public education unions," she wrote in a letter this summer to Governor Jim Doyle.
But she also says this:
While both teacher unions overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party, conservatives especially hate the NEA. It is larger, more geographically diverse, with members in every Congressional district in the country, and more likely to push a liberal agenda that includes social issues such as gay rights....

The teacher unions back up their support for the Democratic Party with money and grassroots organization. After all, public schools exist in every municipality and county in the nation. Unlike manufacturing, teaching cannot be outsourced to Mexico, China, or Bangladesh.
Gee, wonder why the Right wants to go after the teachers' unions? Maybe it's opinions like this:
Eliminating public education may seem unAmerican....
Yeah, wanting change that serves kids, trying to budge some of the very folks blocking progress, it's UnAmerican.

We can't get rid of these yahoos soon enough.

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