Wednesday, August 21, 2002

The Crone Speaks

Well, whaddya know...a Susan Adler Thorp column that's actually pretty nice! I'm falling over in surprise. It's a eulogy of sorts for recently dead A.D. Alissandratos. He predates my arrival in Memphis, so I can't comment on what she has to say about him. She does write this:
During his 20 years on the council, from 1971 to 1991, he was
the watchdog of the city's budget. When it came to taking care of
the people's money - their tax dollars - he watched it as closely
as he watched his own.

"He and I from time to time got into some battles, especially
when he held city spending down to the nth degree,'' former
Memphis mayor Wyeth Chandler said. "He made sure we
accounted for every penny and that every penny was properly
I wonder how the CA treated him over that, and how they'd treat him today.

While we're on the SAT tip, I'd like to share this. Yes, calling SAT "The Crone" does have a whiff of unpleasantness to it. I do sometimes fret that it's not completely nice. But it was honestly come by and fits her well, so I always let it go. But today, I found a picture of an Australian newspaper columnist, Margo Kingston, who's as controversial down under and as disliked in many quarters as our own SAT. So, no worries mate!

Until next time,
Your Working Boy

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