Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Let's Play A Game!

Poor Mike Fleming, afternoon radio talk host for WREC AM600. He began his career in print journalism and his roots still show today. He will begin a sentence only to get lost somewhere inside, forcing him to course-correct with a lame comment or a really bad choice of words. You can just hear the writer inside him wishing he could go back over that sentence, but it's live radio, so he soldiers on, embarrassing and limp.

He also has a remarkably small and repetitive vocabulary for a writer. That's the source for our little game. Let's draw up a list of the words and phrases that poor Mike tortures and abuses. I'll start and y'all can join in through the comments.

I can't believe it!
...and you can't change my mind, either.

C'mon! It's fun! Add to the list.

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