Monday, February 02, 2004

If At First You Don't Get The Results You Want....

The Ethical Philosophy Selector will tell you which famous philosophers and schools of thought you most closely match. My results?
1. Aquinas (100%)
2. John Stuart Mill (100%)
3. Aristotle (74%)
4. Jeremy Bentham (71%)
5. Ayn Rand (69%)
6. Epicureans (66%)
7. Kant (59%)
8. Prescriptivism (59%)
9. Cynics (55%)
10. Spinoza (54%)
11. Jean-Paul Sartre (50%)
12. Thomas Hobbes (47%)
13. Nietzsche (44%)
14. Ockham (43%)
15. Nel Noddings (41%)
16. David Hume (40%)
17. Plato (36%)
18. St. Augustine (33%)
19. Stoics (25%)
St. Thomas Aquinas? God help me. Hobbes down at #12? How brutish. Admittedly, I rushed through this. I suspect a more thoughtful run-through might produce more palatable results. Try for yourself.

Hat tip to Venomous Kate for the link. While you're there, scroll up a ways for her thoughts on slavery reparations, which closely track my own.

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