Thursday, November 10, 2005

All the King's Media

Via the Flyer blog comes an essay by William Greider looking at the conflicts of interest between the national media and the national government. He makes comparisons to the courts of French kings, which is pretty good. We've all at least seen movies about the scheming of courtiers and sycophants and court hangers-on, if not read history books. Why do we not believe precisely the same sort of thing goes on today. Just because he's a President and not a King doesn't make the desire for power and perks any less.

The article is tainted by Greider's anti-Bush bias. He utterly fails to mention how President Clinton once sent his entire Cabinet out to bolster his "I did not have sex with that woman" lie and the media dutifully reported it all.

He also employs what he likely thinks is some clever blog-snark, but it's just tiresome resentment at competition that undermines his own career.

Still, an otherwise thought-provoking article.

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