Sunday, January 16, 2005

Blast! Damn You All!

Ahhh, thank you Seth McFarlane and Family Guy. I've been having troubles for months now with not finding much enjoyment out of life. Dysphoria, or whatever it's called. I've tried renting funny movies with disastrous results. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy? Excruciatingly not funny. Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle? It had some moments, but was a disappointment. Napoleon Dynamite? Ick. Funniest movie I've seen recently was a little-known Scottish comedy, Janice Beard 45WPM.

(Although I'll give props to The Incredibles. I was trying to figure out if I could see it again that day, after only twenty minutes. Great movie, but I consider it more an adventure movie than a comedy. I love its decidedly un-PC message. Too bad the sequel is about two years off.)

And then I find out that FOX has brought back Family Guy in anticipation of its return with new episodes starting in May! Two back to back episodes every Sunday this month. Whee! My dysphoria lifted briefly and I was laughing again.

"Remember: Guns don't kill people. Dangerous minorities do." Stewie doing William Shatner doing "Rocketman." The Real Live Griffins. Heck, just a half-hour of Stewie and Brian would keep me in stitches, and word is there's another Stewie/Brian road episode coming up in the new ones!

Yeah, I'm happy again.

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