Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Harper vs. Herenton: Round Four

It just keeps getting better and better. Having been embarrassed by a rogue reporter, Mayor Herenton now wants a summit with the City Council to formulate new guidelines for media relations. Translation: new ways to put distance between Herenton and a press he cannot control. (Note: WMC/5 also did a story on this, but it wasn't online when I posted this.) He wants to spend your tax money to bring in a consultant.

Great. Ask him about media relations and he'll just defer to the consultants until they finish. Then, he'll point to their report mutely.

When a control freak feels like he's losing control, the first instinct is to try to exert more control. When a man with something to hide gets confronted, his instinct is to put something between himself and the confronter.

So, c'mon Memphis media types. Are you going to put up with this?

(You can read my other posts on this here and here.

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