Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I Woke Up With Two Females in My Bed

Unfortunately, they were cats, so this isn't as racy as all that. It's good news, though that they were a mere 18 inches apart and not glaring, spitting, hissing at each other. It's progress.

Regular readers have already met Bennie, my five year old orange tabby. She's my bud, and yeah, I dote on her. Got a problem with that? The last couple of years, I've thought Bennie might benefit from not being alone so much, that she might like a companion.

Back in early Fall, another orange tabby kitten (who is distantly related to Bennie from a neighborhood alpha tom) started coming around whenever she saw me. This kitten looks about 9 to 13 months old. She has nearly identical coloring to Benny, lighter and more like straw to Bennie's caramel; her tail rings are more defined and her face is thinner. She has naturally sad eyes. This kitten loved to come in a hang out, when she could. She's no dummy -- warmth, food, a friendly human, carpet. She knew a good thing when she saw it.

The new cat is named Rocky. Her tail looks raccoon-ish, so that's how she got the name. She's affectionate as all hell, way more than stand-offish and skittish Bennie. They've been getting along like gasoline and fire. Bennie is not at all happy about sharing. She keeps staring at Rocky as though she's saying, "Who let this offense to the natural order in here?" Bennie will even turn her back on me once in a while and not respond. I get the message.

Rocky's only flaw is her gassiness. Man, is she an eye-burning stink machine.

But things are getting better with time. My biggest fear was litter box disruption. Bennie has never broken litter box training, her most sterling quality. I worried a new cat might screw that up, or force Rocky to poop elsewhere if Bennie wouldn't share. Hasn't happened, which gives me hope for their larger relationship. Like I said, last night I found them both on the bed with me. It makes my narrow bed pretty crowded, but it's sweet.

I live for the day, hopefully this Spring, when I'll walk in and find them lying side by side somewhere. Wish us luck.

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