Monday, January 17, 2005

Radio Rant

So, while I'm blogging late, I have MTV2's Subterranean on the television. Hot damn but I'm hearing some great music -- The Concretes, Secret Machines, Interpol, Mesh, Kings of Leon, The Mieces, Dandelion, The Delays, The Thermals and a ton of bands whose names I can even remember! I think Rachel's Scenestars covers similar ground. Incredible music I really like and would listen to all day long....


Dozens of local stations and no one is playing this music. How much more moribund does this industry have to become before change happens? The supremacy of audience delivery for advertisers has drained the life from music radio. No wonder that the last radio station I listened to regularly was effin' Triple J from AUSTRALIA!

You hear me, Clear Channel? AUSTRALIA!!

I swear, when I finally upgrade to DSL or cable, I am so turning my back on local radio. You guys SUCK! You can all go cash your paychecks at the First National Bank of HELL!!

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