Thursday, April 20, 2006

Immigrant Rally Paths Diverge

I blogged recently about the ties between the various immigrant groups wanting to stage rallies across America and ANSWER, the Communist front group using these groups for its own anti-American, anti-Western purposes.

According to Captain Ed, it seems these groups are also having problems with ANSWER, to the point that many are now calling for letter-writing and petition campaigns instead of rallies and work stoppages. It may mean smaller than expected turnouts on May Day.

While at the Main Street Journal's Candidate Mixer, I had the pleasure of meeting Gloria Fortas, an editor of the Memphis-based La Prensa Latina. I asked her what she knew of the coming May Day rallies and she was certain they would be big. She also said that turnout at the Memphis rally a couple of weeks ago was more like 15,000 than 10,000.

My guess is that if the rallies go forward, you'll see lots more non-American flags, anti-American cant and protests, and some anti-Israel / pro-Palestine stuff. The degree of it will be a marker of ANSWER's influence, which in turn will tell you how many other immigrant groups chose to sit the day out.

Don't just watch the national news expecting to get the unfiltered view, though. Go to your own favorite news and commentary sources to see what they present. Judge for yourself.

We'll talk after.

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