Saturday, April 10, 2004

The Branston Reports

Hey, I'd watch that show! In fact, WREG should just dump that dinosaur of civic go-along Norm Brewer and replace him with John Branston. John's love of the city coupled with his slightly-askance take on City Hall would be a welcome relief from the solemn bilge that Trent Lott lookalike predictably cranks out.

Anyway, Branston has a great article in the current Memphis Flyer about the trolley. He compares and contrasts the trolley with a "greenline" project near Rhodes College. Great stuff. He's skeptical, and shows you good reasons why. It's a welcome corrective to the hosannas of the Commercial Appeal.

Not only that, but he looks at the numbers and the companies and entities involved. It's a great start, but we need more. Who's who, and who they know, and how they connect would go a long ways toward informing Memphis about why so much of what happens in Memphis goes the way it does.

Still, this is precisely the kind of journalism I'd like to see lots more of.

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